Spinnaker Trimming
Photo Credits: @Pierrick Contin, Martinique CataRaid 2020
“Ease what you sheet in!”
This is what my first coach told me when I started sailing with a spinnaker.
I did not get it at first so I asked him if he could explain it better.
No suspense here, I got some explanation!
In fact, when you are racing downwind you will try to sail your best VMG, Velocity Make Good.
To do so, the helmsman will drive with some little fluctuation on the direction to play with the waves and the wind changes.
To keep the spinnaker well trimmed, the crew will have to ease or sheet in. Knowing that you will obtain the best traction from your spinnaker when you will ease it to the maximum before the luff starts to curve, you will always try to be at this limit.
This is why when sailing at the best VMG, if you sheet in you will always want to sheet out as soon as you can to keep the maximum traction using your spinnaker.
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